Finding hope in hair loss online

Hair loss sucks. It really does! Whether yours has been thinning for years, or if you’re newly bereaved by hair loss through autoimmune diseases like alopecia, or dealing with chemo hair loss, losing your hair can be traumatic.

But you're not alone in hair loss:

A Wig and a Prayer #alopeciaawareness

Finding your tribe of hair loss friends can be difficult. In a smaller city like Lansing (or even smaller, like Okemos or East Lansing), finding a hair loss buddy can be all but impossible. 

But you can find a tribe online and not only be inspired by their resilience, but come to know the joy of augmenting your hair (and just how many people actually do it!)


Instagram is a wealth of stylish and energetic faux-hair wearers and you can do a hashtag search of terms like #alopecia #alopeciaareata #hairloss #wigs and wig brands like #jonrenau and #follea, and #ellenwille. These popular brands, which Jessica uses for her clients at A Wig and a Prayer, can show you how others look in similar wigs, but more importantly, by following them, you can see that MOST of them not only accept their hair loss but they have embraced it. Some even say hair loss has changed their lives for the better! 

We follow the following accounts: @majalabee, @jonrenau, @rosemarie_fit, @tressedtwo, @alopeciablondie, @hopeandmane, @kellie_snaps and of course @awigandaprayer


You can find Facebook groups associated with Alopecia or Cancer Hair loss. You can follow wig brands like Jon Renau and Follea for inspriation and style ideas

You can do a hashtag search in the search box in Facebook, or just search for a term such as Michigan Alopecia Support

You can also find private message groups such as Alopecia World which serves a global community for all types of alopecia. These groups offer valuable support, advice on a wide range of topics from products to navigating health care options. 

Chemo-related hair loss support:

Most people undergoing cancer treatment will regrow their hair in 6 months following treatment. Your cancer center can guide you to support groups for cancer – and in there you’ll find like-minded people who are also going through chemo and cancer treatment. 

Crossover to alopecia groups for more advice. Since alopecia is a life-long condition that affects hair loss well beyond the post-chemo period, you can get a lot of great advice and support from other women who wear wigs and have worn them for years, or even decades. Even though the experience of cancer is not the same, the experience of hair loss – and the power of embracing it – is very helpful. 

Stop by your wig salon for your wig styling appointment and talk with your stylist about ways you can care for your hair - but also find others. If your stylist works with other cancer survivors, she knows of the local events or groups that you can join. Plus, she can help with the nitty gritty details like lashes, brows and make-up - all important details to helping you through hair loss. 

In the Lansing, Michigan area, Sparrow Hospital has cancer support groups for patients. Inquire at your oncology clinic for more details.